Mobile CSP's 2019 Annual App Expo

On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 the 6th Annual Mobile CSP Expo was held at Westhill High School in Stamford, CT. Students who were enrolled in the Mobile CSP course during the 2018-2019 academic year were invited to demonstrate the apps they had created during the course under the guidance of trained Mobile CSP teachers. Approximately 70 students from five Connecticut high schools participated in the event. 

Attendees had the opportunity to walk around the room and try out the various mobile apps. After two 40 minute viewing sessions, the attendees were asked to vote for their favorite app. The apps with the most votes earned the Mobile CSP People's Choice Award.
After the first viewing session, Westhill High School Principal Michael Rinaldi gave welcoming remarks followed by Computer Science Teacher and Mobile CSP Master Teacher Chandan Sarkar.  The event concluded with a thank you and closing remarks from Mobile CSP's Curriculum and PD Coordinator Pauline Lake along with lunch sponsored by Subway.
Mobile CSP People's Choice Award 2019 Winners: 
All Mobile CSP apps are created using MIT App Inventor
1st Place - "YeetsuiteTOO Deluxe Edition", created by Maxwell Nurzia and Camden Robertson from New Canaan High School in New Canaan, CT. They both took home a new Amazon Fire tablet with the promise to Ms. Lake to continue building apps and studying Computer Science.  
For more information about YeetsuiteToo Deluxe Edition click here
2nd Place- "Pocket Arcade", created by Donald Burke and William Wright from Trumbull High School in Trumbull, CT. Both took home a $20 prize from Best Buy. 
For more information about Pocket Arcade click here
3rd Place- "Party Planning App", created by Maggie Holahan and Charlotte St. Raymond from New Canaan High School in New Canaan, CT. Third place took home a $10 prize from Best Buy. 
To learn more about the Party Planning App click here
Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make our 6th Annual Expo a success!

Mobile CSP App Expo 2019


A special thank you to our 2019 sponsor!: